Friday, July 8, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Strange name...Awesome app! Looking forward to learning some cool stuff!

I can't wait to use wordle with my students. I will have them use Wordle to define physics concepts. This could be used for any physics concept I can think of from 1 dimensional motion to modern physics. I could see this working on an individual student basis or in a classroom discussion to create a... Wordle wall!

In addition, I think the Wordle concept could be easily adapted for differentiation. Students could be assessed by number of appropriate terms, and cognitive level. Number and level could be adjusted depending on the student's capability.Associating words around a particular concept can also help solidify the concept and help the student to make connections outside of the classroom.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Future

I have recently come across an idea that I find shocking, horrifying and intriguing all at the same time. This idea is known as transhumanism. I heard a segment about transhumanistic ethics and was greatly disturbed. While it is disturbing from an ethical and spiritual standpoint, it should concern us as educators as well.

If you read much about this strange, terrifying and wonderful idea, it becomes very clear that we are not preparing today's generation with the philosophical skills needed to deal with such complicated ideas. The dilemmas created by emerging technologies dictate an astute population to deal with them. Furthermore, with our standards-driven curriculum, we are not allowed room within the science class to discuss these issues...of course a philosophy class in high school?

Regardless, our current and future generations will be making the decisions on such ideas. We must prepare them to make the political, scientific and ethical decisions that will dictate their future.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This particular video is a segment from a PBS Frontline Special entitled Digital Nation. I would recommend everyone in education view the video in it's entirety.

Just for fun...the art of speaking and saying absolutely nothing at all.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reactivating the Ol' Blog

OK....I haven't blogged in a very long time. I think it's time to get it going again!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

OK, Now that I got that off my chest, I can talk about instructional design...

I am just about finished with the instructional design process. The end of this process is a little stilted due to the fact that I haven't had an opportunity to try out my plan. I have prepared all of the documents I need to do my final assessment and revision, but I won't actually be able to carry it out until I am in a position to test it all.

Overall, I have been very impressed with the design process and have been using it to develop some plans for teaching the state objectives. The logical progression and analysis of the process allows the developer to really consider an work in things like differentiation and remediation. It has also helped me to consider and plan implementation of technological tools such as web based applications and blogging. I can really see the social networking tools as a way for students to express what they have learned...something I have never considered before.