Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Subordinate Skills, Performance Objectives...

Alas, I am wandering in the wilderness. Fortunately and wisely, our guide has left a compass. I am following along in the text emulating each progressive step outlined in the book. I'm not sure if this is precisely what I am supposed to be doing, but I think it will get me there. Perhaps It won't won't be the smoothest of paths, but I am sure that the destination will be the same.

Upon evaluating my subordinate skills and performance objectives, I caught several mistakes in my hierarchical analysis. As a matter of fact, the Evaluation for subordinate skills and performance objectives inspired an epiphany. I realized how the hierarchical analysis should be done! It almost seems as if one should start from the back and learn their way to the front, but how can you understand the front without learning the back? It's a catch 22. However, when approached from a constructivist manner, as we seem to be following, the project seems to come together in those "ah ha" moments. I love "ah ha" moments... Perhaps it's the physicist in me.

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